Townsville 8 Ball Association Inc

2023 Season 1 (A Grade)

Team Stats: Pots of Gold A

Venue: Irish Finnegans

11-Feb-23 6:30 PMHShootersFinnegansPlayedL10:15  
28-Feb-23 6:30 PMAJust the tipSTBCPlayedW8:17  
315-Feb-23 6:30 PMATommy GunsTomsTavPlayedW12:13  
422-Feb-23 6:30 PMHSharks FinnegansPlayedW13:12  
51-Mar-23 6:30 PMA8ball HunterSTBCPlayedL16:9  
68-Mar-23 6:30 PMHGAFFSFinnegansPlayedW13:12  
715-Mar-23 6:30 PMABye BYEBYENR  
822-Mar-23 6:30 PMHGUABFinnegansPlayedL8:17  
929-Mar-23 6:30 PMATrouble MakeOBJPlayedW10:15  
105-Apr-23 6:30 PMAShootersSTBCPlayedL15:10  
1112-Apr-23 6:30 PMHJust the tipFinnegansPlayedW15:10  
1219-Apr-23 6:30 PMHTommy GunsFinnegansPlayedW18:7  
1326-Apr-23 6:30 PMASharks STBCPlayedL15:10  
143-May-23 6:30 PMH8ball HunterFinnegansPlayedL11:14  
1510-May-23 6:30 PMAGAFFSSTBCPlayedL14:11  
1617-May-23 6:30 PMHBye BYEBYENR  
1724-May-23 6:30 PMAGUABSTBCPlayedL17:8  
1831-May-23 6:30 PMHTrouble MakeFinnegansPlayedW13:12  
 Member NameRole
1Paul BryceCapt
2Will Ellis
3Brooke Hay
4Nick Fox
5Michelle Dennis
6Ray Palma
7Catherine Lindridge
8Daniel Holland
9Jason Truscott
10Jon Green
1Ray Palma54.554235007
2Daniel Holland53.954135016
3Catherine Lindridge56.673426008
4Paul Bryce46.88303400-4
5Michelle Dennis37.84284600-18
6Jon Green43.75141801-4
7Jason Truscott42.863400-1
8Nick Fox40.002300-1
9Brooke Hay0.000500-5